Storm Damage to Harbour

The repairs to the harbour wall were completed in September 2024.

Many thanks to East Lothian Council, Marine Scotland, North Berwick Trust and all of North Berwick for the tremendous support we received to make this possible.

If you would like to see more information about how the funds were used please click this link for a PowerPoint presentation NBHTL slides public meeting Oct 2024


Facilities and Charges

Details of the facilities offered at North Berwick harbour.

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Navigation and Pilotage

Navigational information and pilotage services

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Bylaws of the harbour

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  • Apply for Dinghy and Yacht Spaces

Harbour Facilities

For the benefit of the public to repair, maintain, conserve and improve North Berwick Harbour and the harbour facilities in an efficient and economical manner and to facilitate the efficient and economic transport of goods or passengers by sea;

Recreation and Leisure

Providing and organising, or assisting with the provision and organisation of facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure-time occupation with the aim of improving the conditions of life for the inhabitants of North Berwick and its environs;

Heritage and Culture

The advancement of heritage and culture through increased awareness of and greater access to a wide range of activities and events which will be planned to showcase the harbour and its history;


The advancement of citizenship and community development in North Berwick Harbour and its environs through trade and industry or otherwise;

Public Participation

The advancement of public participation in sport and related activities, e.g. kayaking, rowing, sailing yachts and boats